
Capstone Research Poster

Capstone Research Project


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Local Peoples (LP) & Greater Good (GG) use design thinking, experimentation (in particular technological) a user-first approach to create meaningful design solutions. These studios build a growing, immersive user experience. Both LP and GG clearly communicate their approach on their web platforms, also both including Human-Centered Design as an integral part of their creative process. Each project is typically communicated as a narrative, explaining the client, or problem and why their solution is worthwhile. Projects are paired with visuals, and the text further establishing the project and explains what went into the result. In addition to this showing how they reached that certain visual communication. Exhibited clearly and concisely, the studios show their work and clients with pragmatically and restrained style.

Typically following a formula of “We have worked with X to develop Y which creates Z”. This “Z” is the most important step needed for social, real world impact. Recognising what a project can do beyond it’s format. Seldom does design work continue past the “Y”. The language used by GG and LP conveys a sense of pride with the finished result, show evidence and honour the work involved in a particular outcome and why it’s has merit. Often, details from the client or users are highlighted and utilised to establish a resolved, non-reflective design solution. For example LP explains: “A major element of communicating the benefits of Habitat Abbotsford was to highlight its broad sweep of sustainable offerings including solar panels, bike facilities and open natural spaces”. Going on to say: “Most importantly we aim to do meaningful work”. Elaine Lopez echoes the essence of their approach, in her Medium piece; Graphic Designers Here’s How To Make a Difference Right Now. She Explains “You can feel good that the work you’re doing has a tangible and lasting impact, more than with a pretty consumer package that ultimately ends up in the trash. Your work might actually help someone find a home. Or make school lunch healthier. Or help teens get information on sexual health. It’s a whole, huge world of ways to make a difference.”

This is the path I’d like to pursue. The idea of building to a more sustainable, equal future is illustrated by Gardens By The Bay in Singapore. A 101 hectares park within the city of, celebrating nature, climate action, technology and sustainability. The Cloud Garden (Pictured) “features a 35-metretall mountain covered in lush vegetation, shrouding the world’s tallest indoor waterfall”. The 1 Billion dollar project is to a high scale, but has a strong political and social message. The opportunity to make a living and act on what I believe in is an important expression of self. Stephen Banham explained of his three criteria for professional work it must offer: Monetary Reward, Creative Control or Community Benefit. This considered strategy in client work shows an ethical and political sensibility of process, which I believe is crucial to